Where do you search?
Where does your search take you?
We are not truly lost until we start searching. Let’s change that.

I was in a pop-up market a few days ago, and it seemed to me like they were selling everything you could want, but there was no definite way for me to find what I wanted. And there I searched. In the chaos of people trying to determine what people want, I let myself loose hoping that eventually, I might end up where I wanted to be. In hindsight, I knew that I’d have to change my destination instead. That is how we shop, isn’t it? We go out looking for something and end up wasting time looking at all the things we do not want just because it’s been put in our way. Everything looks desirable because everything is decorated to attract. Clickbaiters.

On the internet it is different. You can instantly know where you can find exactly what you want, as long as you know how to search. The people who make this happen want to make this happen well, but there are click baiters, sigh. It’s not so different it’s much worse. The internet runs on SEO, without it there is nothing but chaos and doing it right is where the trick lies. You must choose your ingredients well, do not go out of context, stay balanced.

SEO is like the aroma of a dish and if it is well done it will be appetising.

A website should be flavourful, nutritious and beautifully presented, like a well-made dish. But like the little chef in Ratatouille you need a representative, your website needs a platform. Google is our friend. But a possessive friend is not what we need. And Bing is just waiting around the corner to shake our hands, but we don’t see it because our vision is short-sighted. Bing is also a loyal companion, a true friend in need. When Google turns its nose up and leaves us we turn to Bing to stay in the game. Bing is old school. It insists that everything should be just so – a little demanding, but I think that’s endearing. Google controls the majority of searches, but the minority is not a minority at all with Bing controlling over 30 percent of the searches. Stay ahead, adapt yourself.

Here’s how you can start your friendship with Bing while staying friends with Google.

Relevant, quality content

Keep your content relevant; this is of high importance for both the search engines if you care about giving a productive user experience to your users rather than pulling them in just to make them skim the surface. Develop visually attractive website structure that is in flow with the current internet standards. No one likes slackers.


The worst thing you could imagine happening is Pogo-sticking when users click into your website through a web search link and click back immediately and click on another link. This happens when your content is not interesting, relevant or valuable to the users and avoiding this has to be your main objective.

In this Bing SEO is quite similar to Google, but there are a few key factors that you must keep in mind while developing your web content. The ingredients are the same it’s just the seasoning that you should look after for different palates.

Exact-match keywords in meta tags

Bing is biased towards exact-match keywords. Use exact-match keywords in meta tags. Bing also gives importance to meta keywords. Something to keep in mind.

Social signals affect Search engine optimisation

Is your target audience engaging with the content on social channels? No? You better improve your social media strategy. The engagement on social channels impact SEO. Not just on Bing but also on Google.

Quality of the backlinks

Optimisation for Bing is incomplete if we ignore optimising the Anchor Text. Bing does not place a high value on the number of backlinks but on the quality of the backlinks. Website relevancy is another factor to consider while optimising the backlinks.

Bing Authorship

As we have discussed earlier, Bing values high quality, relevant content. And it makes sure the content is matched to the subject matter experts or thought leaders. It is imperative that the information about the Author is added to all content on the website or the blog.

Whether Bing will prove to be a Phoenix or if it will follow Dodo is something we’ll be a witness to in the coming years. But, ignoring it right now is just a blunder. Get to work now, chop chop.

By Harsha HM

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